A loan helped a member to pay for labor and the purchase of inputs, small farming materials and seeds.

Benkadi 2 Group's story

The eight members of the Benkadi 2 group are married women who average 32 years of age with two children each; they all live in traditional families in Soke, one of the villages of Kemeni commune in the circle of Bla, Mali's fourth administrative region. They collaborate with the microfinance insitution, Soro Yiriwaso so that they can carry out their farming activities successfully during the winter season. They are on their fourth loan with the institution and the previous loans have been repaid in full.

Djenebou, who is sitting on the far left of the photo, grows groundnut. With her loan she is planning to buy inputs, seeds and small farming materials, and she is also planning to pay labor costs for maintaining a hectare of land. Once harvested, the produce will be sold in the village and in the markets in Bla to a customer base made up of men and women.

She is expecting to make an average monthly profit of 35,000FCFA at the end of the season. This profit will enable her to repay her loan and also to help out her husband with the daily expenses.

In this group: Fatoumata, Aichata, Djenebou, Alima, Safiatou, Kotimi, Chata, Sanata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Alison Le Bras.

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