A loan helped to buy a computer to use to finish his university studies.

Miguel Sergio's story

Miguel is 23 years old, single, and does not have children. He devotes his life to study and work. He finished high school, and then to continue studying he had to take a job in a store selling electronics.

He looks at life with a lot of optimism, and believes that to succeed all one has to do is work a little harder.

He is very punctual at work, and he likes to do his job correctly, even if that means staying after hours to finish his work. He is not bothered by this, because this is how he is paying for his studies.

Miguel needs three years to finish his studies. He will likely need more time to finish if he does not have the tools he needs, such as a computer. One of his biggest problems is a lack of time. Work takes up most of his time, and the rest he devotes to his studies, but he often ends up in difficulties because he does not have a computer.

Miguel is accustomed to challenges, but he also has a strong desire to succeed, so he doesn't give up. For this reason, he is requesting this loan to buy a computer to use to finish his university studies.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Graham Robinson.

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