A loan helped to purchase necessary agricultural inputs to cultivate jute.

Abiya's story

Abiya is from Dhupguri. She is 38, married and a housewife. She is uneducated and can only sign her name. Her husband Aijula is 43 years old and studied until grade five. They live in their own kachha house (mud, straw and bamboo made). They have two grown-up sons who do not live with them. They work abroad.

Abiya's husband is a farmer with many years of experience running his agricultural business. He grows different seasonal vegetables in their ancestral land. Abiya also helps with this work. They gather the harvest and sell in their locally and the family somehow manages to support itself.

Now Abiya and her husband would like to enlarge their business in order to have a better lifestyle. Their present income is too scanty to cope with the present price rise of essential commodities. So, Abiya has taken a loan from BJS. They have decided to cultivate jute. They have chosen this crop as it is profitable and there is good demand for the product in the present market. Abiya has decided to use the loan to buy jute seeds, fertilizers, pesticides and other necessary things to start cultivation as the rainy season is the best time to cultivate this crop.

Abiya is an enthusiastic and hardworking woman who believes that hard work always gives good results. She wants to do her best to have a successful and profitable business with which they can upgrade their living standard. She also dreams of constructing a concrete house for them.

She is very grateful to both BJS and Kiva.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details