A loan helped to attend courses for make-up and manicures, for which she must buy some materials and tools and must also pay for the courses.

Meri's story

Meri is 25 years old and she lives with her mother in Kapan city in Syunik region. Meri graduated from boarding school and after that she attended hairdressing courses. For five years at their house she provided hairdressing services and her customers were her friends, relatives and neighbors. Now she works at a beauty salon and the number of her customers has increased because of her professionalism and good skills. Meri’s mother works at the Kadjaran combine at the canteen as a cook.

Meri asks for this loan since she decided to attend courses for make-up and manicures, for which she must buy some materials and tools and must also pay for the courses. This will give her the chance to earn more income and create better living conditions for her small family.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details