A loan helped to purchase new quality products and merchandise for her newborn and toy store.

Baida's story

Badia, a 39 year old mother of two, recognized an entrepreneurial opportunity when her brother-in-law wanted to sell his profitable newborn and toy shop two years ago. She promptly purchased the shop and began her career as an entrepreneur, learning from her brother-in-law at first and quickly taking over the management and operations. She is very proud of her quick transition to managing a successful business.

Baida’s business has helped her and her family to improve their economic situation and quality of life. Her children now attend a private school, the best educational option in her area. The business has also created one job for a community member.

Baida is challenged by the lack of quality merchandise for her store and capital to expand her business. Baida’s growing business and willingness to develop her business skills qualified her to participate in the WLIFT program and take a SME loan from Relief International Microfinance Iraq in the amount of 8,000 USD. She will use the loan to purchase new quality products and merchandise for her store.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details