A loan helped a member buy bags of rice, vegetable oil, charcoal, tomatoes, small fry, tea etc.

Makimbiliyo Group's story

The client Kulenga has been a merchant for the past three years and is a member of the Makimbiliyo business association. A dynamic 35-year-old entrepreneur, she is married and mother to four children, all in school.

She sells food products. She is requesting a loan from Hekima to increase her business. She started with funds received from her husband, who is also a merchant.

She will buy bags of rice, vegetable oil, charcoal, tomatoes, small fry, tea, etc. In the future, she intends to buy a plot, build a house, educate and feed her children.

So she thanks Hekima for its support to women entrepreneurs excluded from the traditional banking system.

In this group: Mwadawa, Kaniki, Mastola, Donatienne, Mudumbi, Kapela, Shabani, Josephine, Fazila, Mwavita, M' Mwenze, Kulenga, Barhongo, Sankusi, Adrien, Dombo, Safari, M'rutalale, Hangi, Namwezi, Zari, Fatuma, Waupenda, Wabariri, Mituba, Kasereka, Mugisho, Shindani, Mapayo, Pilipili, Jeanne, Sylvie, Mupakaniye, Beatrice, Christine

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer René McConnell.

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