A loan helped a member buy agricultural inputs and seeds.

Kotognogontala 3 Group's story

The members of the Kotognogontala 3 group are married women who on average are 46 years old with five children. They all live in polygamous families in Konzanso, one of the villages in the Sikasso municipality, in the third administrative region of Mali.

They have been working with the Soro Yiriwaso micro-finance institution to carry out their farming activities during the rainy season. They are on their fifth loan with the institution, and all previous loans have been repaid in full.

The selected crop is maize featuring Haby, who is standing in the first position from left to right. She will use her loan to buy agricultural inputs and seeds to maintain one hectare (about 2.47 acres).

After harvest the crop is sold at village level in the markets of Sikasso, to a clientele composed of men and women, for cash and on credit.

She expects to make an average profit of 95,000 CFA francs per growing season. This profit will enable her to pay off the loan, and also help her husband with daily expenses

In this group: Haby , Kadidia Abou, Minignan , Djelika , Djenebou, Chata , Adiaratou B, Kadiatou , Mama , Chata

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer René McConnell.

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