A loan helped to buy a car that she needs in order to expand her business further.

Fatima's story

Fatima is a 45-year-old, married mother of six. Her husband sells potatoes in a market. As a Palestinian refugee, Fatima is barred from most working sectors in Lebanon. So, she decided to use her embroidery talents to make some income. For 13 years, Fatima has been selling her embroidery designs to a non-profit organization, in an effort to help make her family more financially stable. She wishes that she had heard of Kiva’s field partner, Al Majmoua, earlier, because her business could have used some help in the past.

Fatima acquired her desired loan. She will use it to buy a car, to provide her with transport she needs to expand her business further.

She hopes that, one day, she can have her own separate shop, where she will be able to display all of her products in a beautiful and attractive way.

Loan details

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