A loan helped to buy fertilizer for her cash-crop, and household products.

Koeurn's story

Koeurn is a resident of Samrong Torng district, located in Kampong Speu province. She is a forty-two-year-old, married woman. Like every other villager, she does farming for living. Apart from that, Koeurn also works as a factory worker to earn extra money for her family. The average daily income for her family is only 17,800 KHR.

This is the first time that she is seeking a microloan from Kiva’s partner, VisionFund. Koeurn is applying for a loan amount of 1,400,000 KHR. She plans to use it to buy fertilizer for her cash-crop. Also, she plans to use a portion of the loan money to buy necessary household products. She strongly believes that the loan from Kiva’s partner, VisionFund, enables her to pave a way to uplift the condition of her family.

Loan details

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