A loan helped a member to buy a sewing machine and a serger.

Nagham's Group's story

Nagham, is a 29-year-old married Iraqi woman and mother of four children. She started sewing when she was 21 years old to support her family. During this period, she gained an excellent reputation in the neighborhood, thanks to the quality of her work and affordable prices.

Nagham is requesting a youth loan from Izdiharona to buy a new sewing machine and a serger so she can increase her production. She is aiming to grow her business and sell her products to retailers so that she can continue assisting her husband in providing the family's income.

The story of Nagham and her sewing business is just one of the many examples of Izdiharona for Economic Development's clients .

The group members preferred to blur their faces for cultural reason

In this group: Nagham, Hafidha, Khairia

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details