The members belong to the communal bank “Los Ruiseñores” of Asociación Arariwa. They live in the Santa Ana district of La Convención province, Cusco, Perú. Martha is forty six years old. She is a hardworking and enterprising woman who supports her family. Her business is agriculture, and she has fields of coffee, cocoa, coca, and citrus such as oranges, limes, mandarins, and lemons. This time she requires a loan to buy fertilizer.
The other members work in livestock and agriculture, sell food, raise small animals, and offer professional services. The members thank those who, in this way, play a part in their dreams, and they promise to make their payments by the established deadlines.
In this group: Martha Cecilia, Mirian Eva, Maria Luz, Ruth Marleni, Andrea, Enrrique, Juana, Susana, Marleni
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.