A loan helped a member to buy seeds and fertilizer for her farmland.

Maa Mangala Shg (A) Group's story

Basanti is a resident of Nayagarh district in Odisha, India. She is the mother of one daughter. Currently, her daughter still depends on her, as her daughter is in school. Her entire family relies solely on rice farming and a grocery selling business.

Basanti has been involved in her current business for more than thirteen years, and now she is able to earn up to 3,800 INR per month. She has never been with People's Forum India, Kiva’s partner, before.

Basanti currently leads a group of nine women to obtain a new loan. All of her co-borrowers are first-time borrowers with People's Forum. The total loan amount for her entire group is 180,000 INR. Basanti's loan portion will be 20,000 INR. As a leader, she will spend her entire loan portion to buy seeds and fertilizer for her farmland. She hopes her farmland will produce a better yield so she will be able to increase her income.

All the members are happy with this loan and grateful to Kiva lenders for this help and support.

In this group: Basanti, Malati, Urmila, Srimati, Soli, Nihili, Kokila, Kamini, Nayani

Loan details

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Loan details