A loan helped a member to purchase a large quantity of bananas to make banana beer.

Urunani Group's story

Suavis belongs to group Urunani and lives in Cibitoke. She is 35 years old and married to Edmond, a farmer. Together, they have six children; three are in school.

She has been selling banana beer for ten years.

This is her fifth loan with Turame. With the Kiva loan, she will increase her working capital and buy a large quantity of bananas with which to prepare banana beer. She will resell it and increase her earnings.

In the coming years, she would like to farm, raise cattle, and see her children in school.

In this group: Désiderate, Angele, Chantal, Suavis, Anne, Christella, Joseph, Domine, Chantal, Rizahora, Consolate, Pascaline, Claude, Fidelité, Frédiane, Roger, Dévote, Ancilla, Raphaёl, Agnès, Vianney, Chriastella, Ernest

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Charlotte Buecheler.

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