A loan helped to buy and sell Barefoot Power Solar Lighting Products.

Jyothi Enterprise's story

Jyothi Enterprise is a village based organization that promotes health and solar lighting products promotion. Mr Nagaraj is the proprietor of Jyothi Enterprise. They select Women Village Level Entrepreneurs from the 100 Self Help Groups and provide earning opportunities by selling solar products. Jyothi Enterprise operates from Karantaka where 1.3 million people are using kerosene lamps for their basic lighting needs. The area of Karnataka where they work has only 60% electrification. Solar lighting will help children to study, mobile charging and small shop owners. Some of the areas in which Jyothi Enterprise has a presence are not connected by grid electricity. In order to ensure clean lighting solutions and to provide earning opportunities, Jyothi Enterprise is seeking a loan to help scale up their impact.

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