A loan helped to pay for labor, ploughing of the land, compost, pesticides and herbicides; all to grow corn and frijoles beans.

Oscar Armando's story

Oscar, 56, is a hard-working man who has dedicated all his life to agriculture. Together with his children, he looks after between 14,000 and 21,000 square metres of land. He sows corn, frijoles and sorghum. His wife sells tamales and bread. Their children are now grown up and two of them work in the town to help contribute to the household expenses.

Oscar has been growing crops since he was 12. He started helping his father with his daily chores. In the past, he grew vegetables for eating at home and selling, but the lack of water meant that he had to give this up and now he dedicates his time solely to growing corn and frijoles.

He will use the loan to invest in all the necessary agricultural resources such as labor costs, ploughing of the land, compost, pesticides and herbicides; all of which are essential. Oscar wants to acquire all of these before the rainy season and the time for sowing because once this comes around, the prices go up. At the moment he hasn’t got enough money to buy these things, so he needs help.

In the future, he would like to grow vegetables again so he as a more frequent source of income. Grains take longer to grow. He would also like to make repairs and improve his home.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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