A loan helped to buy supplies and equipment for her food sales business.

Berta Del Socorro's story

Berta, 34, left school after the 6th grade. She is married now and has two children who are studying at a local school. Berta's husband has been a construction worker for many years.

Berta has a business making and selling antojitos. She sells what she makes in the surrounding neighborhoods. She started the business three years ago, only selling from home at first, then branching out so that she now delivers what she makes right to her customers' homes. It's worth mentioning that Berta operates the business by herself. Making the antojitos and selling them falls to her and her alone. She also manages the household and takes care of the children.

Berta is applying for CrediCampo loan, part of which she will use to buy bulk supplies of yucca and cooking oil and the rest to buy a cart. The cart will allow her to buy bulk supplies of the ingredients she needs and make the most of the available discounts.

For the future, Berta would like to open a restaurant. The mild climate of the region is popular with tourists who come here from all over the country and Berta thinks a restaurant would do very well.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Jere Wiseman.

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