A loan helped to buy rice, palm oil and bulk quantities of chicken.

Massah's story

Massah is a hard-working local business woman from Kandeh, a community near the small and busy southern city of Bo.

Massah is a widow and has 7 children between the ages of 10 and 26. She also supports 2 other members of her extended family.

Massah was a full time mother and housewife before she started her business but did so to ensure that her children could go to school and have a good life. She sells “cookery” beside a busy road. “Cookery” is a modest term for the wealth of spicy stews that are cooked by local people and served with rice. The basic ingredients of ‘cookery’ are palm oil (which is used as the base for the stews), rice, seasoning and chicken or fish. Massah also serves grilled chicken to her customers.

Massah works 6 days a week and has built her business so that she now has two assistants. Massah says that her business is going ‘OK’ and that she gets new customers on most days. She is proud that, as a result of her hard work, five of her children attend school.

Massah would like this loan so that she can buy more ingredients to make her dishes. In particular, she would like to buy rice, palm oil and bulk quantities of chicken. Massah is a BRAC Sierra Leone success story, as she previously borrowed and repaid 5 loans.

Massah would like to thank BRAC Sierra Leone and the Kiva community for their support of her business.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details