A loan helped to buy more cold drinks and ingredients in bulk for her cookery business.

Fatmata's story

Greetings from Kandeh town, a community near the small and busy southern city of Bo.
This is Fatmata. Fatmata is 30 years old and is married to a local worker. They have two children aged 6 and 10. Both of the children are going to school.
Fatmata was a housewife before she began her business selling cookery to passers-by. “Cookery” is a modest term for the wealth of spicy stews that are cooked by local people and served with rice. The building blocks of such stews are palm oil, cassava leaf, rice, seasoning and chicken or fish. Fatmata also sells cold drinks to her customers.
Fatmata works throughout the week to serve her customers and would love to see her business grow. One of the challenges she faces is when sales slow down. Fatmata is well-known to BRAC Sierra Leone because she dutifully repaid two previous loans for her business.
Fatmata would like to use this loan to buy more cold drinks and ingredients in bulk for her cookery business. She thanks BRAC Sierra Leone and Kiva for their support in her endeavors to make life more comfortable for her family.

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