A loan helped to buy a stock of detergents and grocery items, such as rice, sugar and oil in large quantities.

Bushra's story

Bushra is a 27-year-old married woman. She is a mother of 3 children. Bushra has been successfully running a small general store in her community for the last two years. She offers various items for everyday use. She has good communication skills and has a good client list. Her husband works in a factory and earns insufficient income to support his family. Bushra is motivated to provide for her family. She wants to grow her business so she requested a loan of PKR 40,000 to buy a stock of detergents and grocery items, such as rice, sugar and oil in large quantities to meet with the increasing demand at her store. She wishes to spend part of the revenues on providing quality education to her children.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details