A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer and to pay plowing fees.

Kim's Group's story

Kim is 49 years old and the mother of six children. She struggles for a living via rice farming on one hectare of farmland and has a paid working job for extra income.

The business that she has had for 30 years has earned her a decent income. This is not the first loan for her with VisionFund (Kiva’s partner). For the past loan, she fully paid back with success and it has promptly supported her business as well as progressing her lifestyle.

Now she is a leader of a group of three borrowers (including her) to get a new loan. The total amount of her entire group is 3,300,000 KHR, of which 1,300,000 KHR is her loan portion. As a leader, she will spend her portion of the loan to buy fertilizer and to pay plowing fees. She hopes that she will have enough financial aid for supporting her business on time.

In this group: Kim, Rith, Veth

Loan details

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