Ulugjon is married and has two children. Her family also helped her elderly parents. She is 42 years old. This energetic woman has a very optimistic outlook towards life. Despite the difficulties which have burdened her life, she has not lost her optimism. Her teenage children help her till the land and grow crops and gardens. The land also responds to her reciprocally and offers her a good harvest. Every spring, Ulugjon sows the fields and after a lot of hard work, receives a long-awaited harvest in the fall. In order to earn money, Ulugjon's husband and son work abroad in Russia.
This year, she wants to buy seedlings and plant an orchard. She needs additional funds for this, which is why she turned to Arvand. Ulugjon hopes that her orchard will bring joy to many generations of her family.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Hilary Hemmings. View original language description.