A loan helped to expand her salon’s space and services to include anti-aging treatments and massage therapy.

Sima's story

Twenty-one-year-old Sima is an ambitious and enthusiastic entrepreneur from northern Iraq. Sima is full of energy, splitting her time between her work and her studies at university. She is lucky to have the support of her family, who are very proud of her achievements, watching her attentively to see what endeavors she will take on in the future.

Sima is the managing partner of a beauty salon that she owns in partnership with her brother. A salon is one of the few types of socially acceptable businesses for females to own and operate in her community, and one of several in Sima’s town. Despite the restrictions and competition, Sima’s eagerness and assertiveness has quickly made her salon one of the most famous beauty salons in her town.

Though she is young, she takes her business seriously, as it is the main source of income for her family, and most importantly, the only source of income to cover her tuition and expenses at the university. In addition to providing for her and her family, her business provides employment to five individuals, four of whom are women.

Eventually, Sima hopes to have a chain of beauty salons that extend beyond her own community. Until then, she continues to expand her salon. As a growing business with high potential, Sima has qualified for a WLIFT loan in the amount of 20,000. With these funds, Sima plans to expand her salon’s space and services to include anti-aging treatments and massage therapy. She predicts that this expansion will allow her to reach 5-10% more customers, increasing her income and stability.

As a participant in the WLIFT program, Sima is participating in the modular business training offered by the program and will also participate in one-on-one coaching as well as be connected to a business mentor. An entrepreneur who is under the age of 30, Sima also qualifies for the youth loan category on the Kiva platform.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details