A loan helped to purchase 17 colonies of bees.

Anna's story

Anna lives in Kapan town with her two sons. She is a divorced woman and is an army officer.

To tackle financial hardships, Anna is also involved in beekeeping. She keeps 20 colonies of bees and gets high quality honey. Her sons sell the honey in the nearby open market.

Anna has applied for 3,000 USD to purchase 17 more colonies of bees and enlarge the honey production. Anna has taken a loan from local financial institutions before, but because of very difficult financial conditions, wasn't able to pay it back on time. Now, by ensuring that the beekeeping is successful and she is able to provide monthly payments for this loan, Anna has been approved for this loan. She has now been approved for a loan within the framework of a new joint initiative between Kiva and SEF international. The second chance loan program provides loans to people who have a bad credit history and have no access to credit products

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details