A loan helped to purchase building materials and pay for construction labor to rebuild her family home.

Marissa's story

Marissa is 48 years old and married with one child in school. Marissa works very hard to provide for the family.

Marissa's business and family home were destroyed by super typhoon Haiyan, which swept through the Philippines on November 8, 2013. Marissa has restarted her business and now needs to provide her family with safe shelter.

She has taken a 5,000 PHP (Philippines pesos) housing loan through NWTF to purchase materials to rebuild her family home.

She is using this loan to purchase building materials and pay for construction labor.

Marissa is committed to rebuild her devastated life and in the future, would like to save enough to provide a secure future for her family.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details