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A loan helped to buy farming supplies, pay her workers, rent a plot of land, and also acquire shoes that she can sell.

Reina Carolina's story

Reina is requesting additional capital so that she can invest in the purchase of farming supplies. She will also buy shoes to sell, pay her workers, and rent a plot of land for her next crop. This will strengthen her business and she can continue meeting the demands of her customers.

With her previous loan, Reina was able to achieve a timely harvest of squash and corn. She was able to fulfill her orders in less time, which resulted in stronger earnings and gave her the ability to submit her payment installments on time. Her family remains the same size in number and all of them are healthy.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (33)
  • D
    Doug Powell River, British Columbia, Canada
  • Mary Medford, MA, United States
  • Soluppgangen Trollhattan, Sweden
  • Mission Belt Orem, Utah, United States
  • Trolltech Foundation Oslo, Norway
  • J
    Jane Farmington, CT, United States
  • Robinson House Canterbury, Victoria, Australia
  • J
    james new york, NY, United States
  • E
  • L
    Linda Fort Wayne, IN, United States
Contributing teams (12)

Loan details

Powell River, British Columbia, Canada
Medford, MA, United States
Trollhattan, Sweden
Mission Belt
Orem, Utah, United States
Trolltech Foundation
Oslo, Norway
Farmington, CT, United States
Robinson House
Canterbury, Victoria, Australia
new york, NY, United States
Fort Wayne, IN, United States
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