Thanh is a Thai woman who is 40 years old. She lives with her husband and two children, who are both school age.
Her family's main earnings come from agricultural production and the core livelihood strategy is diversifying farming activities, such as: planting rice, vegetables and cassava, and keeping 20 chickens, six pigs and a buffalo for plowing. Because of bad weather last year, she had a poor crop. Despite the difficulties in life, she still sends her children regularly to school.
Thanh wants to take out a loan from Anh Chi Em to cover the expense of leveling the field. She hopes that through this loan and the training sessions of ACE, the yield will increase and accordingly, her income will be improved. Thanh dreams of a better future for her children.
In the picture, Thanh is wearing Thai traditional clothes with a pink shirt and standing at the far right.
In this group: Yen, Hoan, Hoi, Thanh, Thu, Xong, Dien, Dung, Thuong, Hoa, Dieu