A loan helped this extremely poor ethnic woman needs your help to make some basic renovations to her so called 'family home'.

Suzana's story

Suzana is an ethnic Egyptian married mother of two who needs your financial help to renovate her so called ‘home’. She is very poor, as you can see from the photograph, and she also suffers from heart conditions.

Kindly note that many members of the Egyptian community due to lack of nutrition and terrible living conditions suffer from many diseases unfortunately. A few of them, after the communist era collapsed, made a better life, yet some of them still suffer. Day after day, you see parents and children of this community digging in the large trash bins of cites for sellable scrap.

Together with her husband, they do night watch for pay in addition to their little agricultural activity on the site; they plant beans, potatoes, tomatoes and onions and sell them to the farmer’s market.

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