A loan helped to buy cows.

Buvnar's story

Buvnar is 42 years old and married. She and her husband have three children. Buvnar has received secondary education. As a main source of income for her family, Buvnar raises livestock, having launched this business 12 years ago by buying livestock for 15,000 KGS. Thanks to Buvnar’s hard work, her farm now has 11 sheep. Her monthly income is 12,000 KGS. In order to develop her farm further, Buvnar has applied to Bai Tushum microfinance institution for a loan to buy cows in order to increase her livestock. Bunvar plans to use the revenue from her loan for an additional increase of livestock. She also plans to save up for her son’s wedding.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Katharina S.

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