A loan helped a member to buy house building materials like iron corrugated sheets, sand, nails, cement and iron rods for the construction of a dwelling house for his family.

Philip A.k.'s Group's story

Presented in the picture above is a group of primary school teachers located in the eastern city of Kenema. These teachers need a total loan of 6,500,000 Sierra Leonean Leones (SLL) in order to meet their most immediate and pressing needs. Most often, they will use these loans to pay school fees for their children, buy pieces of furniture or house building materials, or to invest in businesses. At the end of each month, they can use their salaries to repay SMT/Kiva lenders.

Philip is the featured leader of this team of school teachers. He was born in Feiba village, in eastern Sierra Leone. He is married to a trader. Philip has four children, two of whom are attending secondary school. Philip has been a professional school teacher for 34 years now. He has requested this loan in order to buy house building materials like iron corrugated sheets, sand, nails, cement and iron rods for the construction of a dwelling house for his family.

In this group: Philip A.k., Ahmed M.s., Tamba, Mary Boi

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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