A loan helped a member purchase grains.

Daguele Group's story

The group DAGUELE is composed of four married women who are, on average, 25 years old and have two children. They live in traditional families within the village of Meridiela. They met by connecting as neighbors, friends and through their commercial activities. In order to reinforce their financial capacity and improve their commercial activities, they joined the microfinance institution Soro Yiriwaso and are now asking for their second loan. The first loan was satisfactorily reimbursed. This group of women have been involved in the sale of grains, including Awa, who is seen in the photo as the first woman on the left. She plans to use this loan to purchase 600 kilos of rice from farmers in neighboring villages. She sells these products at the market as well as from her own home, on credit, to a mixed customer base. She hopes to earn a monthly profit of 32 000 FCFA that she will reinvest in her business as well as use to reimburse the loan.

In this group: Setou, Achatou, Awa, Yehe

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Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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