A loan helped to buy plants and supplies for coffee renewal.

Vicente's story

Vicente is a native of Nicaragua. He lives the community of Jinotega with his wife and four children aged 2 to 11 years old. For more than 12 years he has had a small 6.5 hectare ranch on which he farms coffee and cocoa, primarily. The two are produced under processes of certification - the coffee with the stamp "Comercio Justo" ["Fair Trade"] and the cocoa as certified organic.

In the last three years, his coffee production has been 300 quintals (30,000 pounds). His goal this year is to renew (by pruning) 0.7 hectares of coffee of the 2.11 hectares that he has established,so that he improves the productive yield of the coffee and confronts low market prices with greater volume.

To the extent that his income increases, his vision is to buy more land in order to diversify his ranch more with other lines of farming such as livestock and to reduce risks. This small, rural entrepreneur has always been very careful in investing the funding that he has received in the activities for which he requests it and to reinvest, although it may be a small part of his utilities, in his own ranch.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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