Turgunbu is 30 years old, married, and together with her husband, is raising five children. Turgunbu has a secondary education. As the main source of income for her family, Turgunbu practices livestock breeding and crop farming. She started this business 10 years ago with 1,000 som (KGS). Thanks to Turgunbu's hard work, she currently has chickens on her farm as well as a 2.08 hectare plot of land, on which she annually grows tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, cabbage, melons, and watermelons for personal consumption and sale. Her monthly income is 14,000 som (KGS). For the purpose of further developing her business, Turgunbu turned to Microfinance Bank "Bai Tushum." She is requesting a loan to buy fertilizers to cultivate her land, as well as to pay hired workers to cultivate and till her land. Turgunbu plans to invest the earnings from the loan in the further acquisition of livestock. She also intends to save money to build a big house for her large family.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Hilary Hemmings. View original language description.