A loan helped to build a stable for her two cows, twin baby calves and her pigs.

Vera's story

Vera, whose name in Albanian means “summer”, is a 46-year-old married mother of three with her oldest child being 25 and the youngest two years old. Livestock has been the practice of her choice all these past years. She has four milk cows and two pigs. Kindly note that one of her cows recently gave birth to twin baby calves that look different to one another, as you can see in the picture where Vera is petting both of them. It's believed that it is very rare for cows to give birth to twins.

Vera and her family live in a village that before was anointing. Due to the fact that it is below sea level and the water drainage system doesn’t work, it unfortunately gets flooded almost every year. Vera wants to build a stable for her animals.

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