A loan helped to buy sheep.

Kimiyakan's story

Kimiyakan is 54 years old and married. She and her husband have three children, two of whom are currently working in Russia as migrant workers and helping their parents financially. Kimiyakan has a secondary education and is involved in animal husbandry, an activity which provides her family with its main source of income. She started in this business 14 years ago, with the purchase of livestock for 20,000 som (KGS). Thanks to years of hard work, she now owns 25 sheep and three goats. She makes a monthly income of 15,000 som (KGS).

Eager to further develop her farming business, she has turned to the bank "Bai Tushum & Partners" and she is taking a loan to buy some sheep and increase her livestock headcount. She plans to reinvest the earnings from her loan into further increasing her number of farm animals. She is also planning to save enough money to build a new house.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Sophie Narayan.

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