A loan helped to purchase supplies and pay laborers who will help maintain her coffee crop.

Franci Noemi's story

With the economic help financed by the cooperative COMIXMUL in collaboration with the various investors on the Kiva platform, Franci was able to purchase various supplies to give her coffee plants the maintenance and care necessary to avoid their deterioration from pests, seasonal changes, etc. Franci is pleased with the production she had in the last harvest. And thanks to that harvest, Franci was able to pay her loan off and fulfill the goals she had for that loan. She also gained credibility and confidence to continue receiving support from the cooperative COMIXMUL.

Franci now requests a second loan which she will use to maintain her coffee crop, since after the harvest her plants are deteriorated and a bit worse for the wear. She needs to return to help them recover, in preparation for the next season, which she is faithful and hopeful will be even better than the last.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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