A loan helped to buy livestock.

María Tiodosa's story

María, age 43, went to school through the sixth grade. She is single and has four children. They go to a school that is one hour from where they live.

She devotes herself to livestock and agriculture. She has been engaged in this business activity for many years. She learned from her family; they do the same thing.

María is requesting this loan to buy livestock. She likes having animals and taking care of them. It is a way to get income for her family.

María plans to work very hard in order to be able to provide her children with an education. She will do this so that they become good professionals and to be able to leave them good capital. It is one of the best things that she is able to leave them with. She also dreams of leaving them land and livestock so that they can get their families ahead.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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