A loan helped to buy and sell Barefoot Power's Solar Lighting.

Krishna's story

Krishna has been a stellar distributor of Barefoot Power products for the last seven months in the Davangere district of Karnataka. Under the name of his company, Harsha Enterprises, Krishna has taken up the solar mission of bringing power to villages in Davangere. He also distributes solar water heaters. Harsha Enterprises operates by partnering with a rural bank that, in turn, loans to consumers who are unable to afford even a 30$ product on a cash-and-carry basis. This Rural bank has 10,000 beneficiaries but Krishna’s current capital limits him from reaching out to a larger audience. The Kiva loan will help Krishna to buy solar lighting in bulk to reduce end user costs and reach many villages of Davangere.

Krishna wants to reach out to more households living off the grid in Davangere district. His current capital limits him from scaling up his business. With this loan, he hopes to impact more than a 1,000 lives this year.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details