A loan helped a member to buy fertilizer, rice seed, and to pay the plowing fee.

Thoeurn's Group's story

Thoeurn is 49 years old and a resident from Prey Chhor district in Kampong Cham province. She is a widowed mother of three children, one of whom still relies on her as this child is in school. To support the daily cost of living, she grows rice and vegetables as the main source of income.

This is the fourth loan for Thoeurn and the second loan for her co-borrower. The past loans, which she has completely repaid, have enabled her to sufficiently support her business on time. Now, she is seeking a loan of 1,400,000 KHR whereas her co-borrower is applying for a loan of 1,200,000 KHR. As the group leader, she will spend her entire loan portion to buy fertilizer, rice seed, and to pay the plowing fee for her crop. She hopes to triple the yield from her crop with a good income in return.

In this group: Thoeurn, Lai

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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