A loan helped to build a household latrine for the health of her family members.

Ry's story

Ry is 52 years old, married with five children, and lives in a rural village of Prey Chhor district, Kampong Cham province. To feed the family, she and her husband are dedicated to their farming business, primarily growing rice on their own farm. Farming business is their major source of income.

Ry previously had two loans from HKL and she repaid them successfully. She is asking for a new loan to build a household latrine for the sake of her family members as she hasn't had a proper one before. Thanks to the water loan program with a special rate offered by Hattha Kaksekar Limited, Ry is encouraged to focus on ensuring healthy living conditions, to safeguard the health of her family and to protect the environment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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