A loan helped to buy materials, coffee seedlings to plant, and to pay for labor.

Delmis Aida's story

Delmis is a 29 year old woman. She is enterprising and a fighter and really wants to get ahead. She works at home, doing the housework starting very early in the morning, since she has 4 children. Three of them are in a community elementary school and the oldest helps her in the fields. She is also a farmer and specializes in growing coffee. She learned to work from the time she was very small, since she liked the growing process and procedure. She realized it wasn't just digging a hole and putting a seed in but also the care, fertilizing, clearing, etc. to have a good bean. She also learned to make nacatamales and her customers are the different residents in the area every weekend. She and her husband fight daily to make her dream come true, which is to see her children educated with college degrees, a better lifestyle and a better future. She also wants to fortify her assets for them so that they can have a place to build their homes.

Today she has asked for a loan to buy farming materials and to do the following: pay for labor to clear her coffee crops, pay for labor to make 1,000 holes to plant coffee seedlings, and 1,000 units of type 90 coffee seedlings.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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