Ana Isabel is 52 years old. She is married and lives with her husband and children, who are her main priority. With the loan, she intends on buying fertilizer and other products to apply when she is planting so that there will be good germination. Also, she will buy corn and been seeds of good quality that adapts well to soil conditions and fertility. She will also pay for labor costs to prepare the land and apply the products as well as to help out once the crops grow. This way, she can ensure good work. What she intends to do is take advantage of the good weather and soil conditions the area has for cultivation as well as put into practice her several years' experience managing basic grains. In addition, she will also be able to buy the best quality products so that her crops will have good development and growth and have a good harvest so that in the short term she will have important production. With the income from the harvest she hopes to get, she wants to pay for the well being and education of her family and meet some family goals and keep investing more in her crops. This is the first loan that she has received from FUDECOSUR. She hasn't had other loans before from state banks, but FUDECOSUR has offered her the loan with better terms and a much lower rate of interest.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue. View original language description.