A loan helped to purchase more oil, rice and sugar for her business.

Rose's story

Rose lives in Tappita, one of the popular cities of Nimba County, which is rich in nature resources and the second largest county in Liberia in terms of population. Living conditions in Tappita are much better than in the capital city of Liberia.

Rose is 42 years old and she did not go to school. She is married and has five children between the ages of two and 20 years old, who live at home. With a little money from her husband, she managed to establish her business three years ago. She learned this way of selling from her friends. She spends 10 hours each day on her business from Monday through Saturday. The main problem she faces is low income. She is requesting a loan in order to purchase more oil, rice, sugar, etc. for her business.

Her dream is to own a house.

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