A loan helped to purchasing more cooking oil, rice and cooking seasoning to expand her business.

Fatmata's story

Meet 34-year-old Fatmata, from Jui Eastern area in Freetown. She is married with 5 children. Three of her children are currently attending school. In 2001, Fatmata established her cookery business. She began her business because she wants to generate income to educate her children. She works at the business 7 days per week. She says that the main challenge to her business is a transportation problem within her operation area.

Fatmata requires a loan in order to purchase more cooking oil, rice and cooking seasoning to expand her business. She hopes that the extra income from this loan will allow her to educate her children and increase her business. In the future, Fatmata plans to expand her business to a higher level. She thanks you for your support.

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