A loan helped a member to buy cooking oil, onions, bouillon cubes, salt, rice and millet for her restaurant.

Doni-Doni Group's story

The women of Doni-Doni Group average 36 years of age and four children. They all live in extended traditional families in Sienso, in San Cercle, Ségou Region (fourth administrative region of the Republic of Mali).

They got to know each other through bonds of kinship. Their businesses consists in buying and selling various products, such as clothes, and running restaurants.

After having fully repaid their previous loans, the women of Doni-Doni Group are now seeking their sixth solidarity loan (group loan).

Alimata is the woman on the right in the photograph. She intends to use her loan to buy 10 liters of cooking oil, 10 kg of onions, 10 packs of Maggi bouillon cubes, 10 kg of salt, 50 kg of rice, and 20 kg of fonio (a kind of millet) for her restaurant.

She gets her supplies in San, and sells for cash, and often on credit, to a clientele comprising both men and women.

She foresees turning an average monthly profit of XOF 200'000 (ca US$ 416), to be used to cover healthcare, food, clothing, and school expenses. The remainder will be reinvested in her business.

In this group: Djeneba, Alimata, Lala, Awa

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Patrick Stadelmann.

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