A loan helped a member to buy 15 pairs of shoes.

Uwezo Group's story

The borrower, Nyabendo, has been a retailer for 10 years; she is member of a business group called Uwezo. She is 43 years old, married and the mother of two children who are both in school. She sells used shoes. She displays her goods in the street of a busy neighborhood.
She is requesting a loan from Hekima to increase her activity. She will buy 15 pairs of shoes.

Her husband is a broker. She started her business with funds received from her husband. In the future, she wishes to rebuild her burned down home, send her children to school and feed them.
She is grateful to Hekima for having targeted women and supporting women entrepreneurs who are excluded from the traditional banking system, by offering them loans without collateral. This is particularly important during the post conflict period in the east of the country.

In this group: Jacqueline, Deodate, Itimana, Furaha, Alima, Cecile, Kamondo, Nyabendo, Kadeganyi, Ntakwinja, Rushogeza, Chirulwire, Rutega, Emmanuel, Momba, Kinyabuguma, Kikuni, Lugiza, Bahogaze, Marie Jeanne, Mutabunga, Kagwima

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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