A loan helped to cover her greenhouses in a double-layer film and buy high-quality seeds and fertilizers.

Irina's story

Irina's parents left her a house in their will and taught her to work on the land. Irina has been involved in growing vegetables independently for over 10 years already. This is the most profitable business in the village. She has 4 greenhouses on the land and plans to build two more. Irina hoped to use the autumn harvest to purchase everything necessary for the new season, but weather conditions prevented her from doing this. Just when the wide sales of cucumber began, everything froze, and this is why they did not earn a lot. Irina knows where to come for help since she requested a loan last year. The time has come to sow and this is why she really needs additional means. Irina is grateful for the provided help and hopes for a future partnership.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer Anna Sorokina-Hailey.

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