A loan helped to insulate her house and change old wooden windows into vacuum windows in order to reduce heat loss and renovate the wooden fence around the plot of land.

Lhamsuren's story

Lhamsuren is 47 years old and lives with her husband and 3 children in small house in Selenge province, Mongolia. Her husband runs a small organic vegetable growing and sales business. Her two older children are university students and the youngest child is enrolling in university next fall.

Lhamsuren and her husband run a small vegetable growing and sales business for a living. They have lot of experience and regular customers. The organic vegetables they grow are full of vitamins and fresh, and their customers have a really pleasant experience with their service as well.

Lhamsuren is now requesting loan of 3,000,000 MNT to insulate her house and change old wooden windows into vacuum windows in order to reduce heat loss, and renovate the wooden fence around the plot of land.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details