A loan helped to purchase inventory to continue running her business successfully.

Zoya's story

Mrs. Zoya is a 65-year-old woman who goes back and forth between Arkhangai province and Ulaanbaatar city, Mongolia. Her children got married and live apart from her. She helps her children by babysitting her grandchildren while running her business.

She sells a variety of products to Arkhangai residents and she also barters her products for meat and dairy. Soon she wants to sell that to Ulaanbaatar city customers at a higher price. Her daughter helps her to run her business and imports clothing inventory from Erlian, China and she also does that herself. She is a very hardworking and tough woman who raised all her children all by herself, after her husband passed away about a decade ago.

She is now requesting a loan of 3,000,000 MNT to purchase inventory to continue running her business successfully. She has good previous loan records at XacBank.

Loan details

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Loan details