A loan helped to buy supplies in bulk (fabrics, threads, buttons, accessories, lace and so on).

Alba Nancy's story

Alba is a hardworking woman who is dedicated to her family which is why she decided to set up her own business in her home, all with the intention of being productive at the same time as being there for her three children.

She has been a clothes manufacturer for 17 years, a trade which she learnt from her mother and she obtained experience working in different businesses and workshops, however, 10 years ago she started her own activity. She produces all kinds of clothes, but in particular blouses for women. The goods that she makes are sold to her relatives, friends and neighbors in the area. In addition, she sends some clothes to other cities where orders have been placed. She works alone every day from 5 am to 6 pm, and when it is peak period, she employs another person to help her.

Through these loans, Alba has found the support she needs to grow her business, and this is why she is making the request. Using this money, she will buy supplies in bulk (fabrics, threads, buttons, accessories, laces and so on). This will allow her to have a larger variety of supplies to meet the various requirements of her customers, which will increase her sales and the profits that she earns through her work.

Alba dreams of setting up a store in which she can sell her goods and she also wants to get involved in the assembly line to generate larger profits that will enable financial stability with which she can provide her children with an education of a good quality and a better wellness.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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