A loan helped a member to buy fabric.

Nairitas Group's story

The Nairitas communal bank is going to begin its twentieth cycle with Pro Mujer, as part of the Andes regional hub. It is made up of eight members and is lead by a Board of Directors, of which Gladys is the Treasurer. The businesses that the members carry out are varied; among them are: sewing clothing, selling hotdogs and fries, selling artisan crafts, a bakery, weaving blankets, selling milk, and making jackets.

The loan that they are taking out will benefit small-time microentrepreneurs, one of whom is Gladys. She says that she joined Pro Mujer two years ago, signing up due to an invitation from a friend who is a member of the organization. She currently has a business sewing and selling clothes. She shares that the began this type of work to help her mother in her business, but later started her own business to help her husband.

The loan that she is currently taking out is to increase her capital and buy fabric, which she will get from the wholesale stores in El Alto city. Later she will sell it in her shop. This type of work allows her to generate income to support her family, because she is married and has a child.

When she is asked what she likes about Pro Mujer, she answers that she likes the camaraderie that her group has and that is found in the organization.

In this group: Filomena Carmen , Gleny Ondine, Adelaida , Miriam Yobana , Gladys Tomasa, Lucia , Eddy, Amalia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Patricia Patton.

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